770-410-8293 | ambiencehealthspa

Colon Hydrotherapy


Colon Hydrotherapy


$95 Colon Hydrotherapy

A colon cleansing also known as colon hydrotherapy is a safe, natural and gentle way of enhancing a compromised digestive system with eliminating waste. Colon hydrotherapy has been used for centuries to remove toxins from the body, improving the immune system, helping with weight loss, stress management, improving digestion, relieving constipation and even reducing the risk of colon cancer. Colon hydrotherapy also helps with clearing up acne, psoriasis, eczema and even a single session can produce a radiant skin glow.


Colon Hydrotherapy Session

During colon hydrotherapy, a large amount of filtered warm water is pushed through a tube that is inserted into the rectum to flush out toxic buildup in the colon. The water is then released through the colon in a way similar to a bowel movement removing fecal waste, intestinal parasites, harmful bacteria, mucus and gas.

  • Preparing for your Colonic
    Make sure your well-hydrated before your session, I recommend drinking 8-10 glasses of water, fluids from herbal teas, fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid eating two hours before your session, avoid carbonated beverages and caffeine.
  • How long is the Colonic Session?
    The session is 35 to 45 minutes; however you should plan to stay 60 minutes. Initial visits include consultations.
  • What to eat/ not to eat after a Colonic?
    Some people will not have a normal bowel movement for a couple of days post-colonic since the colon has been emptied. To really benefit your digestion and keep it clean, drink plenty water, herbal tea, smoothies, fruit, steam vegetables, broth soup, sweet potato and salmon for a day. Avoid alcohol, diary, sugar, caffeine, raw vegetables unless pureed in a smoothie, salads, processed foods, no chicken, turkey or beef for a day.
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